Unless you are an Inman subscriber you can’t get to the Inman article any more. I can’t say that doesn’t please me as the picture of me was ridiculous. You can still read the article (sans picture) here: http://agent.point2.com/Articles/InmanArticleMar06.asp Oh, and...
Here is a stat for you: The California Association of REALTORS® 2004 Internet vs. Traditional Home Buyer Study says that 71% of Consumers Interviews only one Agent. Often this stat is quoted as “71% of Consumers deal with the first Realtor they talk to”. From here,...
So we just hit 75,000 signups – rock ‘n roll! We also have a new support site at www.p2a.com . Have a look at it. We are exposing some important stats. It makes some people around here a little nervous. We had originally wanted expose some stats like: CPU...