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Think Different

Sometimes you have to think different to understand things.  The video below illustrates this point. I really believe the real estate industry is poised for significant change and that change can be good.  More about that here.

Cold Outside But Heating Up Inside

It is super cold outside but things are starting to heat up inside!  Not many people going outside for a smoke break, in fact, not many people going outside at all!  If anyone wants to come and visit us we promise we will tell you all of our plans – no holds barred. ...

Tag, I’m It… Meme’d Again

So Jay Thompson has introduced me to “meme’s” I had never heard of them until now.   Here is how they work according to Jay “ someone with too much time on their hands thinks up some question (typically personal) and starts a post, “tagging” others to do the same, and...

Just For Fun

We bought a new camera the other day. I hate how it makes me look and sound. Darn Camera. Anyway, we did a little bit of horsing around at lunch today so we thought we would put up a video on YouTube and see how it looks. Comments are welcome with respect to the...

HouseValues invests in Active Rain

Interesting news on the House Values 2.75 Million investment in  Active Rain today.  On the face of things it certainly appears to be an ironic relationship. However, upon closer inspection it may make a lot more sense then one might first think.  I think it will be...

Movin on In…

It’s truly amazing how much the surrounding environment affects your life, attitude and outlook.  Yesterday we moved into our new digs at Innovation Place Research Park in sunny (if cold) Saskatoon.   WOW!  This place rocks!  You can check out the list of our...